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Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas from The Martin Law Group!

Posted by David P. Martin | Dec 17, 2020 | 0 Comments

Christmas is about gifts – giving and receiving. Big gifts and small gifts. Meaningful gifts and stocking stuffers. The gift of good food, holiday cheer, and Christmas bonuses. It's the challenge of finding that perfect gift for someone who has everything and of providing for those who have nothing. Some focus more on giving and others on receiving. It seems that some of the best gifts of all are the ones that are unexpected, undeserved, and come with no strings attached. And those are few and far between.

But Christmas started with just such a gift – the gift of a child. The Christmas story is filled with gifts – the gift of a place to stay when there was no room elsewhere, the gift of life for a newborn, the gifts of the Magi, and the gift of the shepherds (their presence, which was their value). And the Christmas child provided gifts that continue today – peace, healing, hope, and love.

As the ages roll by, we tend to forget the true meaning of Christmas. Today more than ever the true meaning bears repeating, contemplating, nurturing, and sharing. Instead of worrying about the perfect gift to give or receive, we can give the gifts that harken back to the original Christmas. Those gifts seem rarer every day, which just gives them more value. We can also welcome and appreciate the receipt of such gifts in lieu of those whose deliveries are inevitably delayed and which often fail to live up to their expectations.

At Martin Law Group, we seek to honor Christmas every day. We seek to give our clients peace of mind, strive to see that justice will be done, and press on for clients to receive the benefits that they deserve (which are not a gift, but which were earned).

As the year draws to a close, we are thankful for our clients, our friends, each other, and the opportunity that we have to serve all of them. We are thankful for you. We hope that those challenged by immeasurable losses this year will find peace in the coming year and will meanwhile enjoy the peace, hope, and healing that Christmas provides.

Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas from The Martin Law Group!

About the Author

David P. Martin

Senior & Managing Attorney


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